This settlement of $255,000 was for a client with no health insurance with a rotator cuff injury, caused by a collision in Mesquite, TX.
Our client was traveling southbound in the right lane on Franklin Drive in Mesquite, TX. He slowed his car to make a right turn into his apartment complex when a distracted, speeding driver failed to brake in time and rear-ended him. He did not have health insurance and retained Mullen & Mullen Law Firm to represent him.
Remember: It’s important that your attorney locate all possible sources of recovery. In this auto accident claim the policy covering the at-fault driver was only for the state minimum limits ($30,000 / $60,000) but our injury law firm discovered that the negligent driver also had coverage under his own personal insurance policy. By diligently seeking out all available insurance coverages, we were able to assist him in obtaining a necessary surgery at no up-front cost.
Our client injured his shoulder in the automobile collision. He first attempted conservative therapy to obtain pain relief. When therapy didn’t work he underwent a PRP injection into his shoulder. Unfortunately, he was still unable to obtain the needed pain relief.
He did not have health insurance. We were able to assist him in obtaining the necessary rotator cuff repair surgery at no-upfront cost. The surgeon, medical facility, and anesthesiologist all agreed to forego payment until his case concluded. We received policy limits of $30,000 from the first liability insurance carrier and a near-policy limits offer of $225,000 from the second liability carrier, for a gross recovery of $255,000.
Comments from Attorney Shane Mullen: This is really an exceptional result for a torn rotator cuff injury. The groundwork for success was established early in the case when we were able to verify additional insurance coverage through a second liability policy. Our firm has procedures and processes in place to make sure that all available avenues of financial recovery for our clients are identified as quickly as possible. The client was eventually faced with the harsh reality that he needed shoulder surgery. He didn’t have health insurance that would pay for it.
Our Dallas personal injury attorneys have been assisting accident victims for over three decades and we have strong relationships with a number of medical providers. Our involvement in his car wreck claim allowed him to get the surgery (surgeon fee, facility fee, and anesthesia fee) performed at no up-front cost so that he could focus on getting back to work as quickly as possible. It’s always worthwhile when you’re able to assist someone who doesn’t have health insurance in obtaining the quality medical treatment they need and deserve.
The settlement for this claim involving a rotator cuff tear as a result of an automobile wreck in Mesquite, TX was $255,000. Attorney fees were $71,400. Case expenses were $714.66. After paying medical providers, the client’s net recovery was $78,175.60. This is an outstanding settlement for a torn rotator cuff injury.