This policy limits settlement by attorney of $30,000 was for a facet joint injury, caused by a car wreck in Arlington, TX, for a client who had no health insurance.

Our client was injured in a car wreck that occurred in Arlington, TX. He was rear-ended by an at-fault driver with no liability insurance. We quickly moved to set-up an uninsured motorist (UM) claim with our client’s insurance carrier. This is referred to as a “first-party” claim.
Remember: Countless uninsured and/or underinsured motorists roam the Texas roadways every day. Our accident attorneys highly recommend that you carry UM/UIM (Uninsured/Underinsured) protection on your policy in case you are involved in a wreck with an uninsured or underinsured motorist.
Our client did not have health insurance so we assisted him in securing the medical attention he needed and deserved with no out of pocket. The client was able to receive physical therapy, multiple MRIs, durable medical equipment, prescription drugs, a nerve conduction study, a functional capacity examination, and pain management – all at no up-front cost.
He was eventually diagnosed with cervical and lumbar facet joint dysfunction. The pain management doctor performed facet injections at multiple levels to help alleviate the client’s symptoms.
Senior Associate Attorney Joseph Morrison sent our client’s insurance carrier a settlement proposal when his treatment had concluded. Policy limits were offered without negotiation.
Comments From Attorney Joseph Morrison: Unfortunately, many of our client’s do not have health insurance. When an accident happens and they are injured they don’t have the financial means to get the treatment they desperately need. Our personal injury law firm assisted this client in securing the services of several specialists to help him recover from his injuries. Even though the results of the lumbar MRI were normal we pointed out the findings of his pain management doctor and demanded the payment of full policy limits.
Remember: Your own insurance company, unlike the carrier for the at-fault party, owes you duties of good faith and fair dealing. Our client paid his automobile insurance carrier a premium every month to be protected in the event he was involved in a car wreck with an uninsured or underinsured motorist. When he was forced to utilize his own insurance, we argued the carrier’s duties of good faith and fair dealing, which left little doubt full policy limits should be tendered.
The $30,000 settlement for this claim involving a facet joint injury caused by a car wreck in Arlington, TX was the policy limit. Attorney fees were $7,500.00. Case expenses were $143.95. After paying medical providers, the client’s net recovery was $7,500.00 and he received the medical attention necessary to fully recover.
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