Top-rated Attorneys Who Settle For More
If you have suffered a leg injury due to a third party’s recklessness or negligence, it is critical that you hire an attorney with a track record of success and the connections to help you heal and maximize your financial compensation.
Mullen & Mullen Law Firm has significant experience in handling leg injuries. We routinely assist clients in obtaining the necessary medical care they require at no up-front cost – even if they don’t have health insurance.
We maintain strong relationships with medical specialists and our clients have access to MRI’s, X-Rays, CT scans, and state of the art diagnostics and treatment options at no up-front cost.
About Leg Injuries
Leg injuries are common in car accident cases and slip and falls. Leg injuries include dislocations, fractures, sprains and strains, bone bruises, muscle bruises, and lacerations.
Fractures – or broken bones – are very painful and often result from a victim’s leg striking something in the vehicle such as the instrument panel or steering wheel or as a result of a crushing impact.
Fractures can be broken into categories which include: compound fracture (broken bone pierces through the skin), closed fracture (broken bone does not penetrate the skin), complete fracture (bone snapped into multiple parts), incomplete fracture (bone cracked only but not separated), displaced fracture (bone fragments are not aligned following break), and transverse fracture (break is aligned in a straight line).
Common fractures of the leg include tibia fracture, fibula fracture, and femur fracture.
While leg injuries are rarely life-threatening, they cause significant disruption to your life and can even be permanent. Fortunately, many can be relatively minor and fully recovered from.
Types of Leg Injuries
Here are the most common types of leg injuries people experience in car accidents, work accidents, physical assaults, and slips and falls:
Sprains can be serious enough to cause pain and loss of mobility for months. And you may experience long-term instability in your ankle. However, you can most often make a nearly full recovery from these injuries.
Broken or fractured bones
Fractures are when your bones generally stay in alignment, but have cracks running through. Comminuted fractures, however, are when your bone shatters to pieces. Broken bones are just as they sound – your bone has a clean break that runs all the way through. These injuries can easily take months or years to recover from. And in some cases, they can be permanent.
Dislocated joints
Dislocations cause intense pain and usually result from serious accidents. Symptoms include swelling, bruising, numbness, tingling, and loss of movement for months afterwards.
Nerve damage
Your legs contain many complex nerve systems. Minor damage can cause tingling or prickling sensations, numbness, or reduced sensation. Severe damage may lead to difficulty walking, an inability to sense temperatures, and difficulty controlling your legs.
Meniscus tear
Each of your knees has two menisci, which are rubbery disks that stabilize your knee. Injured menisci can cause difficulty with walking and balance.
It’s as painful and awful as it sounds. Recovery takes years and is both physical and psychological.
If you experience a leg injury, whether minor or severe, it’s important to seek professional medical help immediately. It helps you recover from your injury as quickly as possible and with the least amount of pain.
And if your injury is someone else’s fault, it helps you create a record that can be used to recover compensation.
If you have an injured leg and another person or company is at fault, contact Mullen & Mullen Law Firm for a free consultation. Get a discounted 29% contingent attorney fee on cases not requiring litigation (compared to the industry standard 33.3%) if you mention this special offer on first contact.
There is never a fee unless our lawyers win your claim. And we can get you medical care upfront with no out of pocket even if you don’t have health insurance.
Examples of Leg Injury Settlements
$1,000,000.00 for Leg Injury
Gross Settlement $1,000,000.00
Attorney Fees $290,000.00
Case Expenses $827.45
Bills/Liens $110,071.64
Client Net Compensation $599,100.91
$732,500.00 for Leg Injury
Gross Settlement $732,500.00
Attorney Fees $212,425.00
Case Expenses $8,163.80
Bills/Liens $84,868.09
Client Net Compensation $427,043.11
Case Studies About Leg Injury Settlements