
Mullen & Mullen won 2019 Top Choice award

Top Choice Awards™ named Mullen & Mullen the top personal injury law firm in Dallas, Texas for 2019. Based on consumer voting, the award eliminates the possibility of winning due to bias and accurately represents the top businesses in more than 16 categories.

Dallas, TX February 1, 2019 – Mullen & Mullen has won Top Choice’s 2019 award as Dallas’ best personal injury law firm based on results from customer satisfaction surveys. The award acts as concrete validation of the firm’s stellar reputation for service and financial results.

“We’re humbled and honored to win this recognition. It’s been our goal to treat each client as though they were a member of our own family. They want help sorting through all the chaos and stress, and just want to know everything’s okay. Our lawyers aim to be the ones clients trust and look forward to talking to. And it feels phenomenal to have an award verifying that effort,” said Managing Attorney Shane Mullen.

Top Choice Awards™ aims to serve consumers by helping the top businesses in their localities. The organization operates in more than 30 cities across Europe and North America and identifies the top businesses in more than 16 categories.

Top Choice™ has created a process which ensures unbiased results that truly result in the top businesses. Local businesses cannot self-nominate or pay a fee to become eligible to win the award.

Instead, for about six months, customers are allowed to nominate their favorite companies in their city. Once a company receives 25 nominations, they become eligible for the rigorous qualification process. To qualify, companies must have been in business for at least two years, have an acceptably neat physical location and an easy-to-use website, at least 75% positive online reviews with no more than 25% negative online reviews, and one or more active social media presences.

After passing qualification, companies enter the voting process. This lasts approximately two months, with each voter entitled to just one vote.

Not only does this result in consumers’ favorite businesses in a variety of categories, but it also keeps businesses working to be their best. If companies slip in their product or service quality, consumers take notice, and votes decline.

“We hope to remain a local favorite by keeping legal costs low and final settlement winnings high by offering several advantages you can’t get with other law firms. For example, we don’t employ paralegals, which means smarter legal counsel does the hard work on your case.

And we employ a private investigator, while most injury law firms contract this service out, costing customers more. Finally, we also work with hospitals and medical professionals who are happy to delay billing until you get your settlement from your case.

This saves clients a ton of stress and anxiety, and spending time managing logistics with uncaring billing departments and creditors,” added Shane Mullen.

Texas victims who want kind lawyers who listen and care, and fair compensation for their injuries, can learn more about Mullen & Mullen Law Firm at

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