How can you avoid the most dangerous types of collisions?

Pileups, head-ons, and rollovers are the three most dangerous types of collisions. Learn how to avoid them if possible. You can’t control what happens to you in life. You don’t have any guarantees, just like everyone else. But, you can minimize your risks and maximize your safety. And that’s what you have to do when […]
Does not wearing a seatbelt affect your car accident injury claim?

Can you recover money for your injuries in Texas if you weren’t wearing your seatbelt when the auto accident happened? Getting in an automobile accident causes a thousand questions to race through your head. And you know law is complex. So it’s possible many things will come up that you didn’t even know to think […]
What to do if the police won’t respond to your crash

Many police departments have changed how they respond to car accidents because of the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what to do if they don’t show up. You might live in a big city with a busy police force already known to not show up for minor car accidents. Surprised? It happens. And with coronavirus wreaking its […]
Should you seek medical attention after an accident during Covid-19?

Need medical attention after an accident during the spread of COVID-19? Should you change how you approach getting it? Big mistake! What should you do if you get in a car accident and COVID-19 is taxing the medical system? Here’s what to do: Undoubtedly Get the Medical Attention You Need Some police and emergency personnel […]
How coronavirus could lead to more danger on the road

Yes. Coronavirus could make driving more dangerous because certain risks could increase. Find out what they might be. As if coronavirus isn’t causing enough disruption already! We’re slowly experiencing more of the unexpected trouble coronavirus causes. For example, have you noticed problems with your internet service or cell phone reception? Some people have. So far, […]
3 possible ways covid may affect your accident claim

Is there anything covid-19 hasn’t affected? Find out how coronavirus could affect your accident claim and what you can do about it. You’ve probably experienced the utter lack of toilet paper on store shelves. Who’d have thought that would be such a huge problem? Covid-19 has caused much more serious and far-reaching effects than a […]
Determining fault in 3 different types of collisions

When a collision happens, fingers point in opposite directions. But who’s responsible? Learn some of the facts which can affect fault. In law, there’s the way things look to your common-sense mind, and then there’s the way things actually are in the eyes of the law. Fortunately for you, you can focus on your recovery […]
36% of survey takers drove while “blackout drunk” says 2019 study

Texas roads are dangerous. But you can certainly minimize your chance of being injured or killed by a drunk driver by following simple steps. Have you ever been blackout drunk? A lot of us have been at some point in our lives. But most of us did this back in our younger years with friends […]
How to avoid getting hit by a car while walking?

How do pedestrians end up with serious injuries, or even lose their lives, in accidents with automobiles? The truth is amazingly simple. Learn what to do to keep yourself, and your family safe. In light of the data discussed in one of our recent blog posts, which revealed that around half of the world’s annual […]
Distracted driving fatalities don’t always result from cell phone use

Believe it or not, cell phones may not be the leading cause of accidents and fatalities resulting from distracted driving accidents. You’ve heard about the dangers of using your phone while driving. But while it’s the leading cause of accidents and fatalities as far as driving distracted goes, it’s far from the only cause. Other […]